The ff in the Encyclopaedia of Language and Linguistics, (10 vols), Pergamon Press, 1994.

  1. `Linguistic variation’ (10 000 words)  vol 9:4900-9.
  2. `Fanagalo’ (500 words). vol 3:1209.
  3. `Koines’ (3000 words). vol 4:1864-7.
  4. `Language Maintenance, Shift, Death’ (4000 words); vol 4:1988-93.
  5. `Language situation in Namibia’ (300 words); vol 5:2674.
  6. `Language situation in South Africa’ (750 words). vol 8: 4070-1;
  7. `Language Loyalty’ (4000 words) Concise Encyclopedia of Educational Linguistics, (ed.) B. Spolsky.   

The following entries (1 to 15) in R. Mesthrie (ed.) Concise Encyclopaedia of Language and Linguistics, Oxford: Pergamon Press, 2001.

  1. `Sociolinguistics: history and overview’. 1-4.
  2.  Sociolinguistic variation. 377-389.
  3. Code-mixing. 422-423.
  4. `Koines’, 485-489.
  5. `Language loyalty’. 492.
  6. `Language maintenance, shift and death’ 493-498.
  7. `Language spread’. 498-499.
  8. `Professional associations’. 840-842.
  9. `Ayo Bamgbose’. 846-847.
  10. `John Baugh’. 846-847.
  11. `Salikoko Mufwene’. 894-895.
  12. `Bernard Spolsky’. 894-895.
  13. (with A. Tabouret-Keller) `Identity and Language’. 165-169.
  14. Entry for `South African Indian English` in Oxford Companion to the English Language.  OUP. 1992:954-5. Reprinted in abridged edition of 1996.
  15. Entry for `Indians (Southern Africa)’.  In P, Podder and D. Johnson (eds.) 2005.  A Historical Companion to Postcolonial Literatures.  Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

The following entries (1 to 3) in the Encyclopaedia of Language and Linguistics, ed. J.K. Brown, (2nd ed.)  (14 vols), Pergamon Press, 2005:

  1. Society and Language: Overview.    472-484.
  2. South Africa: Language situation.    539-542.
  3. Fanagalo.  430-431.


  1.  Language.  In B. Lal (ed.).  The Encyclopedia of the Indian Diaspora.  Singapore: Singapore University Press, 2006,  90-94.
  2. Varieties of English in Africa.  In Carol Chapelle (ed.)  Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics.  2013.  New York: Wiley-Blackwell.